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HomePodcasts fra havetPodcast #151: Sailing for a clean Arctic Ocean

Podcast #151: Sailing for a clean Arctic Ocean

Gate to the Arctic is a non-profit run by Catharina Frostad and Jon Amtrup, host of this podcast. In June we filled Moondance, a beautiful Koopmans 56 from Moondance Expeditions, with youth, scientists, and storytellers and sailed North from Tromsø. We took samples of air, the ocean, freshwater lakes, snow, and fish on our way. We also collected nearly a ton of plastic debris on our way.

In this podcast you will hear more about Gate to the Arctic, our ambassador Anna Galli, and our Scientists Dimitri Deheyn and Marte Haave.

Keen on sailing the Norwegian coast? You should be. Read Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition.

If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wrote with Bob Shepton: High Latitude Sailing – Self-sufficient sailing techniques for cold waters and winter seasons. 

You can find more books and inspiration on my homepage Explore North.

Jon Amtrup
Author, sailor and podcaster.

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