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HomePodcasts fra havetPodcast #119: Sailing to Shetland in January

Podcast #119: Sailing to Shetland in January

The North Sea in January can be brutal. But we managed to sneak between all the low pressures systems sweeping through the area and sail from Bergen and over to the Up Helly Aa festival in Lerwick, Shetland – and back again. Neither was given.

But with excellent crew work and a boat that can take on everything, Isbjørn, a Swan 48 in the 59North fleet, made all the difference. We got to experience the most fantastic festival, meet the always friendly locals, and some even got to dance to the fiddlers. We are definitely going back, at least, we will try, next year.

This podcast is a co-production with On The Wind podcast. Check it out.

I have just published an updated edition of Sail to Svalbard. You can either order it directly from me or through Amazon.

Keen on sailing the Norwegian coast? You should be. Read Sail the Norwegian Coast: How and Why you should sail the most beautiful coast in the world – Kindle edition.

If you need information about sailing in the high latitudes check out the book I wrote with Bob Shepton: High Latitude Sailing – Self-sufficient sailing techniques for cold waters and winter seasons. 

Jon Amtrup
Author, sailor and podcaster.


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